You seem to be applying the selector for the button press in the wrong
place, if you move the nouse to say 150pixels left of the button on white
space and press the LMB then the button seems to still be pushed.

Just a heads up on that.

Andrew Scott

-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Skinner [] 
Sent: Friday, 16 July 2010 2:32 PM
To: cf-community
Subject: Very first jQuery application

I'm playing with jQuery for the first time.

This is what I have developed so far.

I'm seeking guidance and experience, so that when I have completed this
exercise, experienced jQuery developers won't feel like this looking at my
code -

Question 1:
Is there a better way to directly bind fields together?  So that as soon as
field A or field B changes, field C which is A * B updates, even when field
A or B is updated by JavaScript|jQuery code from other interactions, not
direct user input.  As well allowing field E to update which is field C *
field D.

Question 2:
Is there a better way create multiple copies of a control such as the slider
I am using?  The completed project is going to contain sever such controls,
as many as a dozen controlling different input fields.

Question 3:
Is there an easy way to attach a tool tip feature to the slider feature.  So
that when a slider is on a specific value, a brief tip appears?

Question 4:
A big part of this project is a section of the interface that will have a
number of controls determined recursively by previous controls value.  
I.E. Display a set of controls N if field X in controls group N * field Y in
controls group N-1 is greater then 8000.  The value of field X in each group
of controls will be a factor between 10% and 40%.  Any suggestions on how
jQuery might help with some of this?

Question 5:
Any suggestions for jQuery forums that have at least a fraction of the great
House of Fusion qualities of friendliness, helpfulness and breadth of

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