Being black in Georgia in the 60s through the 80s wasn't all that
tough.  The government was stepping all over itself to rectify the
wrongs of past.  Alabama, Mississippi, etc. lots of bad stuff happened
during the Civil Rights movement, but not in Georgia.  By the 80s
blacks were firmly ensconced in the political structure, especially in
the urban areas.

The lawsuit this group won was against the federal government.  It had
nothing to do with Georgia.

On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 10:47 AM, Judah McAuley <> wrote:

> That's a really cool story Jerry, thanks. I can't imagine that being a
> black farm coop in Georgia in the the 60s through 80s was an easy
> thing to do. I don't imagine that it is all peaches and cream now
> either. Sounds like Sherrod helped found an important group and has
> pushed hard for self sufficiency for a long time.

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