My five year old daughter just says my friends. I never knew the
ethnicity of any of the kids until I met them. Funny thing is that
she's the only blonde blue-eyed kid in the lot.

On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 12:00 PM, Zaphod Beeblebrox
<> wrote:
> My daughters refer to their friends as "..the one with blond hair, the
> one with brown skin, the one with tan skin, the one with black hair,
> the one with the green eyes" if skin color were nothing more or
> less different that hair color or eye color.  They're not Black,
> Asian, Mexican or any of those labels our society uses.
> I wish I could be more like that.
> On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 10:40 AM, Larry C. Lyons <> 
> wrote:
>> Unfortunately trish all the right wingers on the list now have you in
>> their sights.
>> Generally I agree with you, but that said, I have no problems
>> discussing my views on the topic with any black person, or other
>> minority for that matter. When I was in BC for my cousin's funeral
>> last June, I did have a long conversation with his husband (same sex
>> marriage being legal in Canada). One thing was very clear, being gay
>> and black in the US is an even harder row to hoe.
>> larry
>> On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 10:55 AM, trish simon <> wrote:
>>> many emails on this one subject, and the target
>>> being "Blacks" (one of many minorities in America)? How many poster
>>> who responded to the original subject has apologized for jumping on
>>> the bandwagon to criticize and attack this woman, and the NAACP? How
>>> many posters are outraged that the "media" has again deceived us, even
>>> the White House did not investigate the facts before attacking this
>>> woman?
>>> Just when I thought it could not get any worse, someone provided a
>>> list of "successful Blacks" (not sure why Tiger Woods was on the
>>> list), and then concluded with, "if there is a systemic oppression of
>>> Blacks, these men and women would not have had the opportunity to
>>> achieve what they have."
>>> I dare you to have this discussion with a "real" person of
>>> color...reality is not as pretty.
>>> On 7/22/10, Sam <> wrote:
>>>> Race is a real issue and the Obama admin will make sure of that.
>>>> In this day and age when blacks have achieved so much this admin
>>>> spends so much time calling whites racists. That's bringing us back to
>>>> a 60's mentality. You call someone an evil name often enough they
>>>> might end up not liking you. That still won't make them racist,
>>>> anti-bigot maybe, but the charge will still be racism. Can we stop the
>>>> racism nonsense?
>>>> On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 7:31 PM, Judah McAuley <> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I want to see a bigger focus on economics, on class, on structural
>>>>> inequalities in the system that aligns big business with big
>>>>> government to the detriment of 90% of the country. I think that there
>>>>> is more that we can find in common than that which may divide us. But
>>>>> I think that it is a mistake to pretend that race isn't a real issue
>>>>> anymore and that the attempt to try and take race out of the equation
>>>>> ends up pushing away a bunch of people who otherwise ought to be right
>>>>> there in the fight with you.

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