I would venture to say there's more than 3 types of "black" people :)

On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 11:09 AM, Scott Stroz <boyz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I used to wrok with a guy who was a very successful doctor. Great guy,
> hard worker, but he used to drone on about being held back by 'the
> man' (yes, he used to say 'the man'). So, for me, that would be a
> third kind of person. One who works hard, but still complains about
> being oppressed.
> On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 12:05 PM, Sisk, Kris <ks...@gckschools.com> wrote:
>> Wow...are you really that naďve?
>> I know two types of black people. I know some who wine about being kept down 
>> by 'the man' and never put any effort into making themselves a success. If 
>> you call them on it they try to tell you there's no point in even trying 
>> because being black means they have no chance anyway. In the end it's there 
>> refusal to try that dooms them. They're also some of the most racist people 
>> I've ever met (call them on that and you get called all kinds of nasty 
>> names).
>> The other blacks I know, who don't waste their energy complaining about 
>> being oppressed, put no more effort or less into their careers than anyone 
>> else and are just as successful as there white peers.
>> Granted this is just the people I know and can observe for myself, but it 
>> seems to me that the ones being held back are being held back only by 
>> themselves. There is no oppression of blacks by society anymore. The reason 
>> we can't ignore it is because there are people who throw our supposed 
>> oppression of minorities in our collective face constantly. If there were 
>> any truth to that idea we would be following news about Hillary Clinton's 
>> presidency.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: trish simon [mailto:trishsimo...@gmail.com]
>> Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2010 9:56 AM
>> To: cf-community
>> Subject: Re: Oops! Did I say that on tape? Shirley Sherrod of the USDA 
>> Sticks Her Foot In Her Mouth.
>> Racism...LOL...how many emails on this one subject, and the target
>> being "Blacks" (one of many minorities in America)? How many poster
>> who responded to the original subject has apologized for jumping on
>> the bandwagon to criticize and attack this woman, and the NAACP? How
>> many posters are outraged that the "media" has again deceived us, even
>> the White House did not investigate the facts before attacking this
>> woman?
>> Just when I thought it could not get any worse, someone provided a
>> list of "successful Blacks" (not sure why Tiger Woods was on the
>> list), and then concluded with, "if there is a systemic oppression of
>> Blacks, these men and women would not have had the opportunity to
>> achieve what they have."
>> I dare you to have this discussion with a "real" person of
>> color...reality is not as pretty.
>> On 7/22/10, Sam <sammyc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Race is a real issue and the Obama admin will make sure of that.
>>> In this day and age when blacks have achieved so much this admin
>>> spends so much time calling whites racists. That's bringing us back to
>>> a 60's mentality. You call someone an evil name often enough they
>>> might end up not liking you. That still won't make them racist,
>>> anti-bigot maybe, but the charge will still be racism. Can we stop the
>>> racism nonsense?
>>> On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 7:31 PM, Judah McAuley <ju...@wiredotter.com> wrote:
>>>> I want to see a bigger focus on economics, on class, on structural
>>>> inequalities in the system that aligns big business with big
>>>> government to the detriment of 90% of the country. I think that there
>>>> is more that we can find in common than that which may divide us. But
>>>> I think that it is a mistake to pretend that race isn't a real issue
>>>> anymore and that the attempt to try and take race out of the equation
>>>> ends up pushing away a bunch of people who otherwise ought to be right
>>>> there in the fight with you.

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