I like this take on it:


On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 11:15 PM, Jerry Barnes <critic...@gmail.com> wrote:
> "If this number is true, then 70% of my countrymen are fucking idiots."
> Nice.  Basically, anyone who disagrees with you then is an idiot and no one
> is entitled to an opinion different than yours.  Notice that the opinion
> poll only gave the answer, not individual reasons for the answer, but they
> are all idiots by your book.  Where's the tolerance and acceptance that is
> so often espoused by the left?
> "A person should never be criticized for saying something that is right."
> Who gets to determine what is right?
> Please say the Constitution or that it just is right because it's right.
> It's ironic that when liberals have a majority, they are right.  Take Al
> Gore's loss in 2000.  He won the popular vote, but lost the election.
>  However, when liberals are in the minority, there is a "right" side to
> consider.
> In this argument, I even agree with President Obama when he says they have
> the right to build at the site, even if he didn't say they are acting
> stupidly.
> I also agree with other who say  that it is a bad choice and will sow more
> discord than harmony.
> More importantly than both of these, I believe everyone has the right to
> express their opinion regardless of public sentiment.
> Oh, and count Harry
> Reid<http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5hHYUXhXg36rpzKeUva55Llvea41AD9HKOTM04>in
> with your idiots.  He says the mosque should be elsewhere.
> J
> -
> Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms those entrusted with
> power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny -
> Thomas Jefferson on government

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