bad, it is in the article Sam posted.

However, I still do not see the connection. The church can rebuild on
the old site (the article says that as well). Again, its not a matter
of whether thy can or should re-build, it a matter of where the money
is coming from. If the mosque was getting money from the PA then not
only would the stories be related, but I would be on the side of the

As it stands, the only thing stopping the church from rebuilding is
money, not zoning laws, or people thinking its too close to Ground
Zero, its money, or the lack there of, nothing else.

On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 11:14 AM, Scott Stroz <> wrote:
> What I read was that the PA were supposed to give the church $20
> million to rebuild on the current site. I have not seen anything that
> says the PA would give them money if they moved.
> On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 11:11 AM, Jerry Barnes <> wrote:
>> "I must be blind, because I saw nothing in that article that says the church
>> has to wait for other work to be done before they can proceed."
>> I didn't read the article.  I heard about the situation on the radio.
>> "Even if they had to wait, they are not being told they are not welcome or
>> being asked to go elsewhere."
>> I never said the were being told they were unwelcome or that they were asked
>> to go elsewhere.  Only that they would have to wait.
>> The port authority and the church did have a deal that was made in July of
>> 2008 in which the PA would give the church land and 20 million to rebuild in
>> a new location.  Not necessarily asking them to move, but seems like they
>> were encouraging it.  The deal has recently fallen through I believe, so the
>> church has had to wait 8 years and counting to rebuild.
>> J
>> -
>> Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms those entrusted with
>> power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny -
>> Thomas Jefferson on government

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