"We're asking questions, many mosques in the NY area breed hatred towards
Americans. We want to ask some questions and make sure these guys are legit.
But you have blind faith."

Whether you like it or not Sam...they are well within their rights to breed
hate.  Just like the Neo-Nazi's and the KKK are free to breed all the hate
they want.  As long as they don't commit any crimes, they are perfectly
within their rights to do so.  Problem is, though, this mosque is run by
people that are know anti-terrorists and the Inman was a friend of Bush, not
to mention a Sufi.  Not exactly the radical terrorist supporting group you
and your fellow neo-cons have painted them as.

-----Original Message-----
From: Sam [mailto:sammyc...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2010 12:38 PM
To: cf-community
Subject: Re: Controversy swells as Obama supports Ground Zero mosque

On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 12:14 PM, G Money <gm0n3...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I was calling everyone fucking idiots on Monday, and my uninformed
> countrymen got lumped in with them.....sorry.
> Today, I would call them either ignorant, or misguided.
> I still see no valid reason to oppose the mosque....so either:
> 1) They don't know any better (ignorant). You would fall in this category,
> since you had your questions, and I have since answered them. So now that
> you've had your questions answered, you should either no longer oppose the
> location, or admit that you don't believe their answers and tell us WHY
> don't believe them.

You never answered my questions. I was told where the money comes from
was none of my business. That the guy in charge would personally see
that no terrorists donated. I guess I hate all Muslims since I won't
take one of them at there word.

I asked the Iman to denounce terrorism. He hasn't yet as far as I
know. But why should he?

I asked why it had to be here. I was told they need space even though
Manhattan has 200 mosques and new ones are being built in residential
areas near by.
I was told because it's close to teh terror attacks to help with the
healing but also told you can't see ground zero from there so why
there then.
> 2) They have their facts wrong (misguided). They think the people going
> the Mosque support terrorism or are somehow related to Al Qaeda...or are
> any way supportive of the a-holes who brought down the WTC.

We're asking questions, many mosques in the NY area breed hatred
towards Americans. We want to ask some questions and make sure these
guys are legit. But you have blind faith.

> and...that's about it.....after that.....we're left with either
> stupid....or.......bigoted.

No wiggle room huh? You have the info you need to make that decision?
I'm glad you've become such an expert on the matter so quickly.

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