On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 12:57 PM, Scott Stroz <boyz...@gmail.com> wrote:

> That is a great idea, however, there are 2 problems:
> 1. You would need to be close enough to be able to read the t-shirt.

OK....new plan: Fucktards wear a bracelet with a GPS tracking chip in it.
Then you download an Iphone app..."I-tard locator". If you find someone in
trouble, you bring up the app, enter your location, and it instantly tells
you if there are any Fucktards in the area.

> 2. Most fucktards will never admit they are one.

You and I get to decide who they are :)

No matter how close to yours another's steps have grown
In the end there is one dance you'll do alone

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