On Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 1:09 PM, Justin Scott
<jscott-li...@gravityfree.com> wrote:
>> You could choose to skip the thread if you don't like it.
> Far from it, I find the discussion interesting but I do wish people would
> stick to arguing the merits of their position rather than resorting to
> personal attacks.  I was just having some fun with Godwin's Law in this
> case.

As an interesting aside, at what point (if any) do a preponderance of
a persons positions (I love alliteration) go over the tipping point
where those positions are essentially the person?

As an example (h/t to Godwin), Adolph Hitler was a person. In general,
I'd say that most people you would talk to would say that Hitler was
an evil person. They wouldn't make distinctions about his policies and
beliefs. I'm sure that there are several things you might agree with
Hitler on. I bet he liked puppies, for instance. The value of a good
strudel and a pint of lager. Probably wasn't fond of getting kicked in
the balls when he wasn't expecting it. I'm sure that there are all
sorts of commonalities we could find where, objectively speaking,
you'd agree with Hitler.

So, given the commonalities that you can probably find with any human
alive, is it ever justified to make a judgement about "the person"
versus making a judgement about each and every

I'd say, yeah, I feel like there is a point. I think that being fair
has its useful limits (as does relativism) and at some point it is
reasonable to say "this person is a fucked up idiot" as opposed to
saying, "well, I'm sure they are a person with their own beliefs and I
just happen to disagree with A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H...". I'm not sure that
there is a reliable and defensible way of finding that point though or
at least I haven't been able to come up with a justifiable criteria
yet. I'm curious what other people think.


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