Apple buys Facebook, integrates Facetime with it.  Every FB user would have
an iTunes account....

On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 8:52 AM, Cameron Childress <>wrote:

> On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 9:33 AM, Sisk, Kris <> wrote:
> >'s video chat...It's nothing new. My family's been doing it with
> > their laptops and MSN Messenger for years. The only difference here is
> > that one end is a cell phone, which is kinda meh in my opinion,
> > especially since there are MSN and Skype clients for phones already.
> > Apple's catching up with stuff that's already out there so I don't think
> > we should be asking when the world's gonna catch up with them.
> >
> I see alot of people looking at this from a very small, personal,
> individualized, "I'm an Apple hater" point of view.
> As far as existing video chat software, you could say the same about
> iTunes.  There are other MP3 players out there.  Before the iPod there were
> others, there remain others - but Apple has a HUGE share now.  You can bash
> them all you want and they will laugh all the way to the bank.
> From a strategic point of view, consider this...  Apple didn't bundle
> Facetime with iChat, or with iTunes.  It's an independent app they are
> developing as a standalone mac app.  Now, I may be totally wrong about why,
> but it seems that this decoupling makes it MUCH easier to port that one
> little app over to N number of platforms without having to drag along
> iTunes, iChat, and the rest.
> So...  Yes, there are other video clients out there.  In fact iChat has had
> video conferencing for a number of years (since 2002/2003?).  BUT....  When
> Apple puts it's marketing machine behind an idea, whether it be cell
> phones,
> music players, tablets, of just a laptop, that old thing is suddenly new
> again.
> I think Apple is positioned perfectly to drop Facetime onto a number of
> platforms, make it (seem) "easier to use", and give their special spin on
> it, and completely disrupt what you see as a mature and stable existing
> video chat market.  This about Facetime on Apple TV, for example.
> Facetime on the iPhone and Mac is the tip of the sword that they could
> shove
> deep into the market within the next 12 months if they want to.
> -Cameron
> ...

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