On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 9:52 AM, Cameron Childress <camer...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I see alot of people looking at this from a very small, personal,
> individualized, "I'm an Apple hater" point of view.

We're not small picture Apple haters, we just don't understand you
tiny view Apple worshipers.

> As far as existing video chat software, you could say the same about
> iTunes.  There are other MP3 players out there.  Before the iPod there were
> others, there remain others - but Apple has a HUGE share now.  You can bash
> them all you want and they will laugh all the way to the bank.

That's the weird thing, iTunes has always sucked yet the lemmings
can't wait to overspend money on it. That's some powerful marketing.

> So...  Yes, there are other video clients out there.  In fact iChat has had
> video conferencing for a number of years (since 2002/2003?).  BUT....  When
> Apple puts it's marketing machine behind an idea, whether it be cell phones,
> music players, tablets, of just a laptop, that old thing is suddenly new
> again.

Waiting for the marching orders?

You do have a point, they convinced millions to buy iPads so they can
google things while watching TV. I never would have thought I could
convince people to waste money on that.

> I think Apple is positioned perfectly to drop Facetime onto a number of
> platforms, make it (seem) "easier to use", and give their special spin on
> it, and completely disrupt what you see as a mature and stable existing
> video chat market.  This about Facetime on Apple TV, for example.

All video chat is pretty simple. Do people really use Apple TV?

> Facetime on the iPhone and Mac is the tip of the sword that they could shove
> deep into the market within the next 12 months if they want to.

So they're telling us what to like and you're preac

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