On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 3:27 AM, Jerry Barnes <critic...@gmail.com> wrote:
> "I understand this line of thinking and it is exactly what I've seen on the
> left at places like DailyKos."
> I wouldn't know about the DailyKos.  I can't get my daily dose of extreme
> liberalism delivered to my mailbox via cf-talk.

Fair enough. I can't bring myself to read Little Green Footballs and
Redstate all the time either.

> "It is straight up partisan, kowtow to the extreme of your party, straight
> line bull rush push through everything you can and damn the people that will
> compromise. It's
> pretty sickening."
> That's funny.  Sounds just like Obama Care.  Was it sickening when the
> Democrats were doing it?  I don't remember seeing you complain about it
> then.  Just sayin'.

I complained about plenty during the year of health care insurance
reform discussion. Like handing the process over to the Gang of 6.
Ignoring established, bipartisan proposals like Ron Wyden's.  The
bill, in both the House and the Senate, did suffer from kowtowing to
the extreme of the party, but it was the conservative extreme of the
Democratic party that made the demands. Ben Nelson, Max Baucus, Bart
Stupak...those guys got what they wanted. Progressive priorities like
Single Payer/Public Option/Medicare-for-All? Not so much.

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