"There are those on the left who would disagree with  you"

Of course they would.  And that's not a bad thing.  At some point in the
last 50 years, it seems that it has become taboo to disagree.

"They see the health care package as it passed as a sellout to the
Republicans and the insurance industry.  "

Of course they will.  Nothing but full blown socialization of medicine is
acceptable.  Anything less is a sellout to Republicans, the Insurance
Industry, and other nefarious special interest groups.  See the "Letter from
a Progressive".

"They may (weakly) support it because they feel it is better than nothing,
but it certainly didn't please all the base."

You can't always get what you want.  Fortunately, there will be another
round of elections in two years and they can try again to push their agenda
at the ballot box.  Legally I hope.



"02-03-2010:  You can't demand insurance companies... take somebody who's
sick, who's got a pre-existing condition, if you don't have everybody
covered, or at least almost everybody covered. And the reason, if you think
about it, is simple. If you had a situation where not everybody was covered
but an insurance company had to take you because you were sick, what
everybody would do is they'd just wait till they get sick and then they'd go
buy insurance. Right? And so the potential would be there to game the

03-08-2010:  Every year, the problem gets worse. Every year, insurance
companies deny more people coverage because they've got pre-existing
conditions - Barack Obama"

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