that's kinda funny because last I checked, there's a whole bunch of laws that 
regulate what kind of decency standards have to be followed on TV.  It would 
seem that if you don't want your kid to see nudity, it would be a simple thing 
just to say "No, you can't watch TV", but yet these standards exist.  

there's also laws against minors buying alcohol.  It seems that all you should 
need to do is tell your kids "No, don't buy alcohol", but yet the law exists.

there's also laws for minors needing to attend school.  It seems that all you 
should need to do is tell your kids, "Go to school", but yet the law exists.

there's also laws against minors buying pornography.  It seems that all you 
should need to do is tell your kids "Don't buy any dirty magazines", but yet 
the law exists.

there's also laws for speed limits in school zones.  It seems that all you 
should need to do is tell your kids, "Make sure to look both ways when you 
cross", but yet the law exists.

My point being that there are a lot of laws that exist for the only reason of 
making it easier to be a parent and protecting the child from their lack of 

On Nov 4, 2010, at 10:15 AM, Scott Stroz wrote:

> On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 11:09 AM, Larry C. Lyons <> wrote:
>> For instance, Kid really wants the toy. Through advertising etc the
>> kid is convinced they must have it (all their friends got one etc). So
>> he nags the parents until they relent. Then McDonalds for the cost of
>> some advertising and cheap plastic gets 4 or 5 sales out of it. In
>> addition to the positive reinforcer of the toy, the kid gets a sugar
>> rush (positive hedonic reinforcer) from the soft drink and the carbs
>> in the food, so he's more likely to want to come back again.
> This would be where that 'parenting' thing we discussed earlier would
> come into play. You can try to blame McDonanld's all you want Larry,
> but its ultimately the parents who are to blame. There is a very
> simple and effective way to handle this situation, it starts with the
> parents saying 'No'.
> -- 
> Scott Stroz
> ---------------
> You can make things happen, you can watch things happen or you can
> wonder what the f*&k happened. - Cpt. Phil Harris

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