On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 11:10 AM, Eric Roberts <
ow...@threeravensconsulting.com> wrote:

> If I don't know an answer, I generally include that I am part of cf-talk
> and
> other cf groups (as well as groups for other technologies), so if I don't
> know the answer, I let them know that I know where to look.
> I really hate interviews where they seem like they are trying to trick you
> by asking questions about obscure crap...kinda like 90% of the online
> skills
> tests that seem like some guy went through CFWACK (or other books) and
> randomly picked questions to put in the test, even if they were questions
> that either only an admin would know or were for some function that is
> never
> ever used except in very specific situations.  I have even run across folks
> asking questions about things that were depreciated in 4.5.
> Just ask me questions so I can show I know what I am talking about and quit
> the cloak and dagger crap.  Yeah you are smart...so am I...lets move on...

I'm wary of any interview that asks me specific, syntax, code related
questions. General questions that ascertain my level of experience and
familiarity with technologies are certainly warranted. But asking me on the
spot syntax questions, or taking coding tests....i mean, those days are
over. I used to memorize all the buzz words, memorize which attributes went
with what, which methods could be called by what, on and on....but with the
GUI's these days, why bother?

I've been very honest with people in interview situations when they ask me
specific questions like that...i say, I don't know the answer to that, but
here's where I'd look to find it if I needed to know...and it would take all
of 2 seconds.

Benchmark tests are so last decade :)

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