"I'm really starting to wonder if Obama's ideological hero was Karl
Marx or Groucho Marx."

"Where are all the polls about what's going on in Wisconsin? Isn't the
media interested in who the public is supporting there? Or are they
not able to get the results they want, even with all their
oversampling and other skewing tactics?"

"I got to thinking: What if the Republicans in Washington had fled the
country when the Democrats were ramming their health care bill through
Congress? Seems like a brilliant tactic now."

"Obama's out there saying, 'We have to learn to live within our
means.' No, we do. He doesn't, and the unions don't, but we do. The
people paying for all of this -- we're the ones that have to learn to
live with less."

"Do you realize now, folks, what the stimulus was about? It was about
one thing: protecting Democrat donors from the recession."

"If you're going to tell everybody to eat twigs and berries and gravel
and all this other stuff, you had better look like an Ethiopian,
otherwise, it's going to fall on deaf ears."

"All of these budget decisions that states are having to make result
from the real world, from the fact that they can't endlessly print
money or deficit spend. Obama, meanwhile, has no such limits on him.
He's an out-of-control, reckless big government spender who doesn't
have to make a single tough decision, and as such, he won't."

"Sometimes I look at how I do business compared to all these other
entities, and I just marvel at it. I mean, when I pay people, I expect
a bunch of things."

"Note the headline of the story here: 'Wisconsin Democrats Filibuster
to Delay Anti-Union Bill.' This is not 'anti-union' legislation --
this is budget reform. But you just couldn't see fit to put that in
your headline, could you, AP?"

"You earn $50,000 a year, but people that work in your state
government earn $100,000 a year, and you're paying for it. Where's the

On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 11:33 PM, Jerry Milo Johnson <jmi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is that a sideways reference to Rush Limbaugh?
> On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 11:29 PM, Maureen <mamamaur...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Oxymoron alert.

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