On 2/24/2011 3:02 PM, Sam wrote:
> Also, did you calculate your pension for the amount of years you plan 
> on living?

Yes, I did.

> Because your salary is unexplainably low. I'm sure the people around
> you make double that. Sorry to be the one to point that out.

Failed again.  My salary is higher then all those around me in the same 

Public workers, public data:

I was hired above minimum, meaning I started in the middle of the salary 
range for an Associate Programmer Analyst.  I am now nearly at the top 
of the range, one more raise will put me there.  That means that until 
and if I get a promotion to another job category, I can not get a 
raise.  But with the state hiring freeze that started this month, it 
could be several years before that happens.  Thus my salary may well 
stall while the value of my salary steadily declines do to inflation.

> And you get full pay guaranteed?
> I get nothing. Just whatever rate my 401k earned over the years and
> lately that's been shit.

Nope I do not.  It depends on how long I work.  To get full pay one must 
work for the state for 40 years.  So, I would have to work until the age 
of 80 to get that benefit.  If I retire at 65, I would get 60%.   I'll 
spare you the entire spread sheet I have to calculate all the possible 

Is there a match for your 401k?  When I was in the private sector, I had 
a 75% company match on the first 6% contribution to my 401k.  And that 
company had a pension fully paid by the employer.  If that company had 
not been relocating to Florida in 2000, I would probably still be at 
that job.

Now I have a pension with a company match.  What is the big difference?  
Especially since the pension that you are bemoaning being paid the 
retires are from the retires contributions, a reasonable match very 
comparable to the private sector and the investments earned in the 
market on those monies.  If the state had not borrowed from the pension 
fund for past budget short falls, future taxes would not be required to 
pay for the retires.

>> Yes I have health care, but it costs me more for less coverage then when
>> I had jobs at a private company and a non-profit.
> You took a hit for the good of your state.How white of you. Did you
> pay less for those benefits when you were in the public sector?

Yes, I did.  That is why I said it cost me more for less coverage since 
I came to work for the state.

>> I took a pay cut- including benefits, when I took this Job in 2007, and
>> as you can see, my pay has only gone down since.
> But after you retire who pays you? Do you think 9k x 20 years = 57k forever?
> How do I invest in that 401k?
And the monies I pay into the pension are invested in the very same 
market as your 401k funds are.  If the government would keep their money 
grubbing mitts out of that pot then my future pension payout would come 
from my contributions and what it earned in the market.

> Free education for you and the family?

My education was not and is not free, while my grade school children's 
education is currently free as they go to public schools.  I have no 
benefit that will help me in four years when the first one is collage age.

> Retirement checks that never run dry?

Why not, I'm paying for that benefit.  But no that was not the reason.

> I actually take pride in earning my money. I also have the right to
> bitch when I have to pay just enougher salaries because they put in
> twenty years punching a clock and expect my taxes to carry them
> forever

And your taxes wouldn't if your politicians would not try to take the 
money *I* for which I worked hard.

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