Sorry. Was rocking it in Savannah, watching the parade and drinking on River
Street .... :)

On Thu, Mar 17, 2011 at 2:04 PM, Judah McAuley <> wrote:

> Since no one else has done it, I'll kick off the day with some music
> and inappropriate jokes, as is my wont.
> First, the jokes:
> -----
> A Texan walks into a pub in Dublin and loudly announces " I'll bet
> $500 that no one here can drink 10 pints of Guinness back to back
> without stopping! "
> He looks around as the people in the pub kind of stare at him quietly
> and, kind of disappointed that no one would take him up on his bet, he
> settles down at the bar for a beer. As he settles in, Mick gets up
> from the bar and heads out the door. 30 minutes later, Mick wanders
> back in and sits down next to the Texan and asks him, "Is that bet
> still good?". "Well, sure" the Texan replies and watches in amazement
> as Mick downs 10 pints of Guinness without stopping.
> Impressed with the drinking prowess, the Texan asks Mick as he counts
> out the money, "Why did you leave for a half hour before taking my
> bet?"
> "I had to head down to the other pub to make sure I could do it first"
> Mick replied.
> ------
> Q: What's the difference between an Irish Wedding and an Irish Wake?
> A: One drunk
> ------
> And some Pogues and Dubliners for y'all:
> Whiskey in the Jar:
> Irish Rover:
> Have a good day and get your Irish on.
> Judah

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