So i'm still confused....does my daughter have a second document out there
somewhere that is her actual "birth certificate"? ANd if so, who issued it
and who currently has it? AND...when I requested a copy, why was I sent a
"certificate of live birth", instead of a "birth certificate"?

(man, being a nut can be confusing sometimes)

On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 9:41 AM, Gruss Gott <> wrote:

> G Money <> wrote:
> > 3 weeks ago my daughter was born. I submitted an application for a birth
> > certificate. In return, I received ONE DOCUMENT...a "certificate of live
> > birth"
> >
> > So...where is this other mysterious "birth certificate"?
> >
> Yeah, that's pretty common.  In fact it happened to Pres Obama and
> Donald Trump who both requested copies of their birth certificates but
> were issues "certificates of live birth".
> It is confusing.
> So here's what Trump originally issued, calling it his birth certificate:
> Actually as pointed out in the next link, it was the certificate of live
> birth:
> Mr. Trump, in trying to grandstand (mostly for publicity because he
> licenses his name for $$ thus name-in-news is $$-in-the-bank for him),
> actually fell into his own trap: his issued the wrong document!
> This link kind of explains it all:
> Of course "birthers", those that think Pres Obama is not a US citizen,
> are completely deluded.  This is stuff that not even Karl Rove would
> push.
> And the fact that so many Republican poll as believing it is
> down-right scary.  It shows prevalent gullibility and an inability to
> think for ones self and to stand up for those thoughts.  Those are
> scary qualities.
> Of course the question to birthers is, what about your Republican
> colleagues who think you're full of shit?  Are you calling them fools?
> It's just a fascinating lens to and revealer of human character.

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