Scott Stroz <> wrote:
> Why are you limiting it to VP candidates?

No limits brutha!  Updated to reflect suggested edit.

>> I'll run through it again, but I'll de-identify it and maybe that will
>> amplify the point:
>> (1.) [candidate] brought [something] onto the campaign trail and
>> made [something] part of the campaign rhetoric.
>> (2.) There are reasonable questions, with quick easy answers, as to
>> whether [something] is true.
>> (3.) [candidate] has yet to provide the easy proof that [something]
>> is true, and truth should be something we should all demand from our
>> public candidates.
>> (4.) Not only has [candidate] not provided the easy proof, he/she
>> HAS provided complex second-hand documentation non-proof when
>> first-hand documentation should be easily available.
>> (5.) [candidate] continues to include him/herself as part of the
>> political scene and is therefore still subject to questions about
>> [something]
>> Conclusion:
>> If [candidate] regrets including [something] into his/her campaign
>> then [candidate] should do the right thing for [something] and drop
>> out of the scene thus taking the topic out of legitimate public
>> discourse.
>> It's not about the public's questions, it's about the candidate's
>> answers.  If the candidate doesn't like the questions, then the
>> candidate shouldn't be in the public.
>> Funny how personal accountability can be so easily forgotten.

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