Judah McAuley <ju...@wiredotter.com> wrote:
> To me, marriage is about commitment. I'm with my wife through thick
> and thin, good times and bad, building a life together, raising a kid
> together, mapping out a future together. Nothing about that really has
> anything to do with sexual expression other than making sure we're
> compatible.

If you attach emotions to sexual expression then sexual expression
would have a lot to do with those other things.  In fact it prevents
many people from doing all those other things (case in point: Maria

But you're right in that not everyone associates emotions and sexual
monogamy.  Not to mention the disease risk.

An interesting comparison might be finances.  My wife spends money on
things I wouldn't and vice-versa.  We tolerate this "promiscuous
financial expression" because those things make us as individuals
happy, but the bulk of our spending is done together for our mutual

We have a $50 rule, but even that would be void if it happened every month.

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