On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 9:24 AM, Gruss Gott <grussg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Wow, I feel lots darker compared to that.  I've been catching on my
> techno and listening to Steed Lord; Vanguardian kinda pulled me back
> in.  I've also been catching up on my "old school" (2008), low school
> rap/hip-hop with some CLP.  Weird stuff, a little spotty for me, but
> some really good tracks there (insatiable, supercontinental, et al)

Sounds closer to Utah Saints, which was also one of my favorite techno
artists during the same 90's time period as most of the music I
posted.  This was a song I found on a Stoli Vodka sampler album I got
by mailing in a card from a Rolling Stone Magazine.  Really loved it
at the time, though I suspect hearing it fresh today I wouldn't feel
the same way.  It's really emotionally tied to my college years for



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