On Mon, Jul 4, 2011 at 1:46 PM, Justin Scott <leviat...@darktech.org> wrote:

> > Darwin Award Winner of the Day: A man taking part in a
> > protest against mandatory helmet laws died after losing
> > control of his motorcycle and striking his helmet-less
> > head on the pavement.
> That's one of the great and terrible things about living in a mostly
> free society.  You have the right to make stupid decisions and die in
> the process.  Sad for his family and friends, but he died "fighting"
> for what he believed in.  Personally, I'm glad my state (Florida)
> doesn't require helmets, you won't find me out riding without one.
> -Justin
He died in NYS and we have helmet laws that prevents this type of thing from
happening in the first place. The police should have pulled him over prior
to the crash protest or not... It's their civic duty.

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