Here is what I do nto understand about the helmet laws for those who
ride motorcycles.

In those states that have these laws, you can hop on your motorcycle
in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, but as long as you are wearing a
helmet, you are 'safer' - even though the rest of your body has no
protection whatsoever.

Just requiring a helmet is stupid, if we are going to have laws
requiring people wear helmets while riding/driving a motorcycle, the
laws should also require other protective equipment as well.  And in
my opinion, all of which would be moot anyway, in most of the fatal
motorcycle accidents I saw in my almost 20 years in EMS, no kind of
protection would have saved the person - and most were wearing a

I think part of getting your motorcycle license you should be required
to watch a debridement procedure  - that is where they basically take
a wire brush and scrub the dirt and gravel out of the 'road rash'.

On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 11:46 PM, Dana <> wrote:
> I want to agree. On the other hand, when a motorcyclist comes in to
> the ER with massive head injuries, it's not going to get shrugged off
> as a consequence of a bad choice, too bad. So there's a social
> interest. On the *third* hand, if you extrapolate from that logic, the
> government should regulate fast food and who knows what else. And I
> don't think anyone here is in favor of that.
> So I guess it looks analogous to seat belt use to me. Don't like it,
> but think it might be needed. Wish it had not been legislated, but
> think that that too may have been needed.
> On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 8:31 PM, Gruss Gott <> wrote:
>> Jerry Barnes <> wrote:
>>> Actor Gary Busey, who was not wearing a helmet when he was nearly killed in
>>> a motorcycle crash three years ago, on Friday urged all state legislatures
>>> to pass mandatory helmet laws.
>> I'm not a biker and if I was I'd definitely wear a helmet, but a big
>> part of me doesn't like these mandatory safety laws; it's too
>> nanny-stateish
>> It seems like a slippery slope when the government starts getting
>> involved in personal passing safety laws.  It makes sense for kids
>> (car seats and such) and for cases where you can hurt someone else,
>> but I dunno ...
>> There's a local radio station in town with a great show called Garage
>> Logic.  The show has "helmet updates" where people call in with
>> sightings of people wearing helmets in ridiculous situations.  One I
>> remember is a guy manually changing the prices on an outdoor gas
>> station sign wearing a helmet with a full face shield.
>> At some point it just seems like it's not the government's business
>> and if we decide it is, where's the line?

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