A study of the changing climate of the Arctic over the last 2,000
years, by an international consortium led by Darrell Kaufman of
Northern Arizona University, was published on 4 September 2009. They
examined sediment core records from 14 Arctic lakes, supported by tree
ring and ice core records. Their findings showed a long term cooling
trend consistent with cycles in the Earth's orbit which would be
expected to continue for a further 4,000 years but had been reversed
in the 20th century by a sudden rise attributed to greenhouse gas
emissions. The decline had continued through the Medieval period and
the Little Ice Age. The most recent decade, 1999–2008, was the warmest
of the period, and four of the five warmest decades occurred between
1950 and 2000. Scientific American described the graph as largely
replicating "the so-called 'hockey stick,' a previous reconstruction".

So Sam want to try and answer this one using some industry hack?

On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 10:13 AM, Cameron Childress <> wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 7:57 PM, Sam <> wrote:
>> It fails. It only works if you believe the faked data like the stupid
>> hockey stick chart.
>> Take out the faked data and you have nothing.
> The analogy works better and better with each post you make.  Each time you
> sound more and more like a classic cigarette smoker in denial.
> -Cameron
> ...

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