That was straight from An Inconvenient Truth.

The sea levels will not rise and weather will not get more severe.
They admitted they added those lies to shock people into believing
them because they had no science.

Like Cam's hunch is good enough. Believe or your a tool for big oil.


On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 11:20 AM, Larry C. Lyons <> wrote:
> That is straight from a set of studies put out by the National Academy
> of Sciences. What's the matter they use too many big words for you?
>>> Well over the next 100 years sea levels will be increasing a lot. Most
>>> of the eastern seaboard coastline will be very different - over the
>>> next 100 years there's an expected 18 inches to 2 foot rise in sea
>>> levels - New York, Miami, most of Florida, and a lot of the east coast
>>> seaboard will be inundated. All of the barrier islands on the east
>>> coast will be gone. There will be a lot more extreme weather (more
>>> hurricanes, nor'easters and blizzards for instance).
>>> Its not going to be a flaming ball of gas, unless you are talking
>>> about the current Republican front runner.

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