"The opposition would have a much better chance of defeating Obama if they
would stop quoting sound bites from the bobble-heads that put
forth the assumption that we are all naive fools who fell for anything
"Hope and Change" and did an analysis of the real reasons he won"

Of course everyone who voted for him was not a naive fool.  But I do
believe there were quite a few.

Do you think Peggy Joseph did some deep political analysis before voting?

I never thought this day would happen. . . . I won’t have to work on
putting gas in my car. I won’t have to work at paying my mortgage. You
know. If I help him, he’s gonna help me. - Peggy Joseph

Anyway, never underestimate the power of a good slogan.  It can capture the
imagination of the "joiners".

"This would include the fact that there was no valid opposition candidate
in 2008.  He will likely win again because there is still no valid
opposition candidate.  "

Can't argue with this.  Same thing with Bob Dole, Al Gore, and John Kerry.

"No moderate or liberal will vote for Gingrich, Santorum or Paul, and even
the conservative Republican base won't vote for Romney. "

 I'll have to strongly disagree here.  I know several democrats who have
said they will vote for Paul over Obama.  They like his "bring the troops
home" platform and his personal freedom policies.

As for Romney, I'll disagree as well.  While I would never vote for him, I
believe that "moderates" would vote for him in droves.

"If it's a brokered convention with a Bush/Palin ticket, as the media seems
to suggest, the Republican party, for all intents and purposes, is dead."

It's dead anyway.  It's base is eroding so fast that it will never be able
to recover.



The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one
fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly - it must confine itself
to a few points and repeat them over and over. - Joseph Goebbel

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