I think Regan was a train wreck and was senile during his second term
and abdicated rule of the country to a cadre of unelected and
unaccountable party operatives who damn near wrecked the country and
caused untold misery that we will keep paying for for generations.

As for him being a good guy, sorry, can't buy it. Not a horrible human
being in all aspects. Wouldn't classify him in the same mold as, say,
Stalin. But his support for Pinochet and running drugs and guns while
supporting civil war oppression in Nicaragua pretty much rules out any
chance I can consider him a moral human being.

His direct refusal to acknowledge the AIDS epidemic until Rock Hudson
died resulted in the suffering of millions.

He may have just been horribly misguided in his economic policies
instead of deliberate evil.

Just try and provide any justification for the appointment of James
Watt as Sec. of the Interior. You can't even blame that one on Regan's
senility, he just fucking hated the environment. Rape and pillage the
land and fuck the next generation.

A lot of people on this list may have been too young to remember a lot
of the Regan admin or maybe those that are old enough have just
forgotten in light of the years passing and further evil being
routinely perpetrated by those that came after. But remember that the
worst offenders of the last decade were almost all ones who got where
they are because of growing up in the cess pool that was the Regan

23 members of his administration convicted. Many many more that went
unindicted or were never brought to justice because of Republicans
running Congress.

Corrupt, slimy and heartless.


On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 5:37 PM, Gruss Gott <grussg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> While I don't totally disagree with you, I also don't think any of those 
> things were obviously wrong.
> It seems to me that Reagan was a decent moral guy, far from perfect, who 
> tried to do the right thing. We couldn't ask much more out of a President.
> I don't like much that Obama has done (or not done) but I think he's a decent 
> guy too.  His leadership failure is that he doesn't know how to make 
> decisions when yes is as good as no so he's frozen.  In that way he's very 
> different from Reagan, who was good at finding a path from a solid inner 
> moral compass, but it wasn't always right.  Obama is an example of what 
> happens when you let uncertainty stall progress.
> Bush, by comparison, is a decent guy I think, but wasn't a good leader.  I 
> think he tried to lead in Reagan's style, but he never really developed any 
> values while he was snorting coke and banging hookers so he was prone to 
> nudge from others. Reagan wasn't.
> On Feb 20, 2012, at 4:50 PM, Judah McAuley <ju...@wiredotter.com> wrote:
>> Suffice to say that today's Republicans look nothing like the
>> Republicans of the 1860s and today's Democrats look little like the
>> Democrats of the 1930s and 1940s. Times have changed indeed.
>> As for Regan, let's start with a quick, off the top of my head summary:
>> Trickle-down economics
>> Iran-Contra
>> Star Wars
>> Massive movement of money into the private military defense sector
>> Heartless response to AIDS epidemic that cost millions of lives
>> James Watts
>> Dick Cheney
>> Dismembering government regulations that have allowed for the
>> blossoming of corporate consolidation and theft
>> Dismantling of regulations to safeguard the environment
>> Summary disbandment of the air traffic controllers union
>> Massive outsourcing of jobs to other countries due to his fast track
>> trade agreement authority
>> S&L debacle
>> Support of Latin American dictators
>> Arming Saddam Hussein
>> Massive increase in debt
>> I could think of a lot more but there is a starting list off the top
>> of my head.
>> Judah
>> On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 4:11 PM, LRS Scout <lrssc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> He harmed this country?
>>> I'd love to hear that rant.
>>> BTW, lets notforget, it was republicans that freed the slaves, and
>>> republicans that pushed through civil rights.
>>> Democrats didn't become "progressive" until much later.
>>> On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 6:31 PM, Judah McAuley <ju...@wiredotter.com> wrote:
>>>> And let us remember that Ronald Regan was a fucking jerk who did more
>>>> to harm this country than anyone in a long long time. And, yes, he
>>>> still seems like a totally reasonable nominee for sainthood compared
>>>> to the current crop.
>>>> Judah
>>>> On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 3:02 PM, Vivec <gel21...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> "We establish no religion in this country. We command no worship. We
>>>>> mandate no belief, nor will we ever. Church and State are and must remain
>>>>> separate" - Ronald Reagan.
>>>> https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=327753397261775&set=a.142349529135497.12943.138308669539583&type=1&ref=nf
>>>>> From this to Santorum and Romney.
>>>>> smh.

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