Did you actually hear Ms. Fluke's testimony? She never asked for
taxpayer funded contraceptives. Her testimony centered on the medical
use of birth control pills to treat ovarian cysts. She never mentioned
sex--that part was Limbaugh's fantasy. She was advocating for the
inclusion of contraceptives in a health insurance policy that she is
paying for. Neither Georgetown University nor the federal government
provide her free health care.

Ignorance is one thing, but your deliberate willful ignorance is
something else. By defending this "person" the way you are its exactly
like you were calling her Ms. Fluke those foul names.

On Sun, Mar 4, 2012 at 10:58 AM, Sam <sammyc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 4, 2012 at 3:38 AM, Judah McAuley <ju...@wiredotter.com> wrote:
>> Sam, the only thing I know of that I have in common with you is that
>> we both have daughters. I believe that yours is older than mine,
>> perhaps 11 or 12 if I recall correctly. Now back away from the
>> partisan blinders for a moment, look at the words that that Limbaugh
>> used toward this young woman and tell me:
>> How would you feel if he did that to your daughter?
> If my daughter perjured herself in front of congress and stated she
> and her friends needed someone to pay that much for contraception,
> lets just say I wouldn't be proud.
>> What message are you sending to your daughter if she reads through
>> this thread and sees what you write?
> Luckily my daughter is extremely intelligent so she will dot be
> blinded by ridiculous sidetracking spin.
>> What do you want your daughter to gain from this incident?
> Absolutely nothing. Shouldn't have happened and should have been ignored.
> Not news at all, just away for the left to re-frame a loosing issue
> .

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