It's probably time to ignore Sam.  This isn't a left or right issue, as 
he seems to see everything as, but a right and wrong issue.  Rush was 
wrong.  He got called on it.  He backpedaled because he knows he screwed 
up.  The apology is a formality.  He doesn't mean it.

Now, I have not heard the testimony.  Did any of that "$1000" include 
doctor's visits and such?  That could easily bump the cost way up.

On 3/4/2012 11:53 AM, Larry C. Lyons wrote:
> Did you actually hear Ms. Fluke's testimony? She never asked for
> taxpayer funded contraceptives. Her testimony centered on the medical
> use of birth control pills to treat ovarian cysts. She never mentioned
> sex--that part was Limbaugh's fantasy. She was advocating for the
> inclusion of contraceptives in a health insurance policy that she is
> paying for. Neither Georgetown University nor the federal government
> provide her free health care.
> Ignorance is one thing, but your deliberate willful ignorance is
> something else. By defending this "person" the way you are its exactly
> like you were calling her Ms. Fluke those foul names.

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