Now you're going to pull the Anita Hill crap? Have you no honor?
Trying to ruin a mans career with lies. This proves you show outrage
only when the left tells you to.


On Sun, Mar 4, 2012 at 3:24 PM, Dana <> wrote:
> It's a kick in the face to any woman who ever tried to make a serious
> statement in public is what it is. For me, a total flashback to Anita Hill
> on Congress trying to explain to a bunch of fat white MALE fuckheads why it
> might hard to work in an environment where your boss acts like a pig, and
> listening to them oink in incomprehension.
> F: Health insurance should cover oral contraceptives because this is good
> public policy.
> M: Hey! You're a woman!
> F: No shit. I am here to testify on house bill blabla, which would prevent
> me from getting the coverage I wish from my employer-sponsored health
> insurance.
> M: I bet you are. Tell me, honey, do you swallow?
> It's really not that big an exaggeration. The only difference is, the
> people holding the hearing did not include Rush, and *they* didn't even
> bother to listen at all. Wasn't this some sort of second hearing held by
> Democrats because the first one didn't invite any women to testify at all?

She was not qualified and it was about religion not women's health.


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