On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 9:08 AM, GMoney <gm0n3...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I got my stem cell research...that was huge.

Bush was the first President to pay for Embryonic Stem Cell research

> I got my withdrawal from Iraq, that was nice.

Nice? 10 years wasted. We turned our back moments before a success.

> Afghanistan has an end in sight, that's good. I'd bail out now, but oh well.

Afghanistan was never winnable but it was manageable. It's not anymore.

> I didn't give a shit about Gitmo.
> I'm not a huge fan of the health care overhaul, but I'm willing to give it
> a try. Way to early to tell if it's going to be a success.

It will now cost $6.7 trillion more than we were told. Wait to see
what the bill is when it actually kicks in.
Most people in the US wanted a solution to the health care problem.
This was a backroom deal.

> Let's see...what are the other biggies.....the bailout. Obama followed the
> advice of most economic experts suggesting that a bailout was necessary to
> prevent a near total collapse. So while all that is WAY too advanced for my
> understanding, when in doubt, listen to the experts.

I don't think it was most experts, I think it was most of the ones
working for him.

> So did I "get what I wanted"? Yeah, I guess so, though mostly what I wanted
> was just someone who I thought was going to THINK...and make decisions
> based on honest reason and intellect with an eye towards what he thought
> was best for this country. This is why I thought McCain would have been OK
> too. I don't think he would have presided as the staunch conservative he
> paraded himself as during the election...but we'll never know.

I don't think we've ever been in such a long recession and perpetually
high unemployment is not caused by the banking crisis since the banks
were paid for their failure. The only explanation I can think of is
the President and his policies.

> I'm not liberal....far from it....and Obama is certainly more left than I
> am...but Bush was more right than I am, and i supported him for as long as
> I could too. Obama's been an OK president. Bush was too in his first term,
> 'cept for his stem cell demagoguery.

I'm liberal on many social issues and even a few conservative ones.
Like NCLB, I figured it was worth a try and it helped improve minority
grades across the country but overall it seems to be a failure. As for
stem cells, it's politics. You give a little and take a little. We got
stem cell research paid for but there was a cap. If a Dem spent money
but added a cap it wouldn't be news.


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