We actually imprison more people than China does.  For profit prisons are
only making things worse.  There already has been several cases where judges
had financial interests in companies that run prisons and would, even
illegally, send people to prison because they were profiting from it.  Once
company was suing the state they were in because the state didn't provide
enough inmates.  WTF is up with that?  The police state has been here for
quite some time.

-----Original Message-----
From: LRS Scout [mailto:lrssc...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2012 8:07 PM
To: cf-community
Subject: Re: Zimmerman charged in Martin's death...

They had to release 30,000 inmates due to overcrowding and horrible care.


How people can claim we aren't living in a police state is beyond me.  Do
you know we jail more people than anyone else in the world?


We have roughly 5% of the worlds population and 25% of the worlds prison
population.  Many of these arrests can be laid directly at the feet of the
failed drug war, with other victimless or non-violent crimes making up large

Additionally someone that may go in for a relatively minor charge has to
deal with such violence, and such life changing events (rape?), that they
often come out far worse than they went in.

I was in the system for several years as a teenager, until I was emancipated
at 16.  I know that the juvenile system in NY was far easier than the adult
system, but I still saw some really screwed up shit when I was in
residential and gillies.

On Sun, Apr 15, 2012 at 8:54 PM, Jerry Barnes <critic...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Zimmerman should be thankful that he isn't jailed in LA.
> More Evidence U.S. Police Brutality Is Out Of Control:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=0kE9MDUEh8o
> J
> -
> Ninety percent of politicians give the other ten percent a bad reputation.
> - Henry Kissinger
> Politicians are people who, when they see light at the end of the 
> tunnel, go out and buy some more tunnel. - John Quinton

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