> This is really for all the MAC users out there, MAC haters need not
> reply, haha.

I'm neither a mac user or lover, but I've had to support them for my bosses
in the past.

Transferring data to your mac, and even back from it, should be fairly
painless.  One annoyance we had was with Excel spreadsheets that were
opened/saved between systems - Excel for Mac apparently twiddled with the
display locations for the sheets.  Easy fix, use the view menu to maximize
and then you'll see everything again.

The two owners of the company that I work for decided to switch to macs at
the urging of their kids.  Within 6 months one had moved back to PC.  The
other switched back after 9.  These are "average use" users, no
programming, graphics, etc.  They simply did not have the time to get
accustomed to the OS differences.  Then again, they also grumbled about the
differences between Office 2003 and 2010 on the PC, which sets a baseline
for expectations.

Long and short, it's a good machine, I'd second the recommendation for
jumping to 8Gb, but you're a smart enough cookie and have the time the move
might be good experience for you.

Until Later!
C. Hatton Humphrey

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