one thing I forgot to mention, download Virtual Box and set up a
windows instance on it.

On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 11:45 AM, C. Hatton Humphrey
<> wrote:
>> This is really for all the MAC users out there, MAC haters need not
>> reply, haha.
> I'm neither a mac user or lover, but I've had to support them for my bosses
> in the past.
> Transferring data to your mac, and even back from it, should be fairly
> painless.  One annoyance we had was with Excel spreadsheets that were
> opened/saved between systems - Excel for Mac apparently twiddled with the
> display locations for the sheets.  Easy fix, use the view menu to maximize
> and then you'll see everything again.
> The two owners of the company that I work for decided to switch to macs at
> the urging of their kids.  Within 6 months one had moved back to PC.  The
> other switched back after 9.  These are "average use" users, no
> programming, graphics, etc.  They simply did not have the time to get
> accustomed to the OS differences.  Then again, they also grumbled about the
> differences between Office 2003 and 2010 on the PC, which sets a baseline
> for expectations.
> Long and short, it's a good machine, I'd second the recommendation for
> jumping to 8Gb, but you're a smart enough cookie and have the time the move
> might be good experience for you.
> Until Later!
> C. Hatton Humphrey
> No trees were killed in the sending of this message, but a large number of
> electrons were terribly inconvenienced.

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