Uh, there was quite the uproar on capitol hill/white house about the
leaks confirming US/Isreal involvement. There is supposed to be better
operational discipline, though obviously leaks happen in every
administration. The other side of the aisle had right-wing blogs
trashing the White House for leaking it intentionally to make
themselves look tough.

Holder has appointed 2 prosecutors to investigate leaks. McCain has
called out the investigation a sham and said that Holder has no
credibility and that the White House is responsible for the leaks.

Not a single person, inside or outside the White House, has denied the

Come on dude, we did it. The administration admits it. Sorry if you
don't like that they admitted it, but they did.


On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 9:45 AM, Michael Dinowitz
<mdino...@houseoffusion.com> wrote:
>  Again, the 'confirmation' is from a book written by a journalist. No
> proof, just supposition and innuendo. I can't disprove something that has
> not been proven to begin with. But if those articles are enough proof for
> you then there's no facts I can bring to the table that will change your
> mind. Anything I say will be measured against the so-called facts of those
> articles and will be found wanting.
> On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 12:29 PM, Vivec <gel21...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> The US and Israel wrote Stuxnet.
>> http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2012/06/confirmed-us-israel-created-stuxnet-lost-control-of-it/
>> http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/80beats/2012/06/12/researchers-find-code-connecting-stuxnet-and-flame-computer-viruses/
>> http://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/01/world/middleeast/obama-ordered-wave-of-cyberattacks-against-iran.html?_r=2
>> You can provide no information to say otherwise :-)
>> On 26 June 2012 12:20, Michael Dinowitz <mdino...@houseoffusion.com>
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > The only AV lab to detect and analyze the virus has been Russian. Could
>> > they have an insight into the mind of the virus writers? Russia has a TON
>> > of virus writers and no compunction about rerouting the blame to others.
>> >
>> >

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