> So, the NYT author made up every single source, specifying people who
> were in multiple situation room meetings, and while multiple branches
> of the government are investigating the leaks they can't be bothered
> to deny even a single one? That's your story? That is a level of
> willful ignorance that's just frightening.
Read it again. This is not a NYT investigation. This is an article adapted
from a book, as they clearly say on each page:
This article is adapted from “Confront and Conceal: Obama’s Secret Wars and
Surprising Use of American Power,” to be published by Crown on Tuesday.

This is not an investigative news piece but essentially a retelling of
something that someone claims in a book. I see "according to participants
in the program" and other vague mentions of sources who claim that Obama
said this and Biden said that but nothing concrete, especially in
connection to Stuxnet. We have a fact (Olympic Games) combined with a
speculation (the US/Israel is behind Stuxnet) and the author is saying that
the fact proves the speculation without providing any real proof.

Show me the sources of the quotes, especially when it comes to the claim
that America was behind Stuxnet. Isn't there transcripts of these meetings?

> I suppose that you also didn't believe in Watergate until Deep Throat
> was finally outed.
The facts were cross referenced and found to be true in the Watergate case.
We don't have that here. We don't have fact tracing Stuxnet to the US. Just
a 'deep throat' in a book. Now if we get an actual fact beyond an unnamed
source then I'm more than happy to say that we're behind Stuxnet. Until
then I can only say I believe that we are behind it, I can't say I know for

 > Oh, and "Olympic Games" is a Bush era cyber war campaign that Obama has
> > made use of. Another example of how the current president is no different
> > than the previous one?
> I agree there. Of course, I also believe that Olympic Games exists and
> you don't seem to, so make of it what you will.
Please re-read my posts. I don't cast ANY doubt on the Olympic Games
operation. It exists. It's been confirmed by actual sources. Any claim that
I don't believe that Olympic Games exists is a false one. Sorry.

Let me say again. I'm just asking that the claim about America's
involvement in Stuxnet be substantiated with real facts, not speculation. I
believe that the US and/or Israel had a hand in Stuxnet. I don't know that
as a fact, just as a belief

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