The point is that Mitt wants to accuse Obama of outsourcing without accepting responsibility for the same when it happened on his watch. Or to blame Obama for problems that occurred years before he was elected, but refuse to accept blame for actions that happened when Mitt was in the CEO chair.
I don't care where either side invests as long as the investments are legal, it's the hypocrisy that bugs me. It is an on-going problem and it didn't start with this round of campaigning. Dirty tricks, smears, spin, disinformation, swift boating, and outright lies should all be illegal in a political campaign, and any one who uses them on either side should be banned from running. On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 12:46 PM, Jerry Barnes <> wrote: > > "Yeaaaahhh ... What's the problem with any investment as long as its legal?" > > Apparently nothing if you have the right letter behind your name. Is it > "D" or is it "R"? Over the last few weeks, I have seen several articles > showing how prominent Democrats have invested large sums in overseas > ventures and no one seems to care. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now! Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe: