If I had the time or the energy, I'd put up a non-partisan website
that debunked all the ads and outed the people or organizations behind
them.  As it is I just grit my teeth and occasionally point out the
worst offenders on my Slapping Idiots blog.

I will say that every ad I've seen from the Obama campaign he is at
the beginning of the ad saying "I am Barack Obama and I approved this
ad".  If that is truly the case, he should be willing to accept
responsibility for the spin and nonsense.  I haven't seen any of
Mitt's ads but I assume he is also approving them.  The one Romney ad
that completely scalded me was one where he was blaming the cuts in
Medicare and Social Security on Obama.  The distortion in that one ad
alone would keep me from voting for him.

The ads by the super-pacs are the most insidious, and the partisans on
both sides are eating them up with the confirmational bias spoon.

On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 1:41 PM, Judah McAuley <ju...@wiredotter.com> wrote:
> That doesn't really strike me as transparency or accountability. Just
> more talking heads on more commercials.

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