I for one would like some real transparency and accountability. I
want Obama to have a major attack ad adn at the end of it say I am
Barak Obama, and it pisses me off that this has been allowed to happen
that I am completely behind this ad. I want one of the Koch Brothers
at the end of an anti-Obama tv add to say I am So and So President of
Koch Industries. I care enough to put my name and face as well as my
company behind this ad.

I know it won't happen but if the candidates and their surrogates
actually had the balls to that, I think that it would make it the
choices very clear for the voters.

On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 4:06 PM, Judah McAuley <ju...@wiredotter.com> wrote:
> There is a difference between legal and ethical and the difference
> depends on the moral framework of the person doing the judging. If
> Romney feels that his business dealings were both legal and ethical,
> then he should put it all out there on the table and run with it. Then
> voters can decide if they feel that his ethical framework for getting
> ahead in the world matches up with theirs and they can direct their
> votes accordingly.
> Judah
> On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 12:46 PM, Jerry Barnes <critic...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> "Yeaaaahhh ... What's the problem with any investment as long as its legal?"
>> Apparently nothing if you have the right letter behind your name.  Is it
>> "D" or is it "R"?  Over the last few weeks, I have seen several articles
>> showing how prominent Democrats have invested large sums in overseas
>> ventures and no one seems to care.
>> "He's a rich guy who legally made a fortune, so own it."
>> Definitely.

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