So you have no reason to support Obama and no reason not to support
Romney. Then you choose this fake issue as deal breaker?

At least last cycle you had hope and change.


On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 12:20 PM, Gruss Gott <> wrote:
> That's the key point Romney will not be able to escape from: he signed a 
> document as the sole shareholder, president, and CEO.
> To Romneys point, yes he had brought in others to make the tactical decisions 
> but it was still his people, his culture, and it's hard to believe he wasn't 
> at least paying a small amount of attention.
> As the sole shareholder is he so stupid as to just completely not watch his 
> investment? Of course not.
> So he has no choice, just own it, deal with it, and the story dies in a few 
> days.
> As to his tax returns ... That one very well may kill him unless he hits it 
> head on right away.
> If not its going to be all flip-flops and swift boats for him

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