Perhaps. But that article and the presentation of it now with the inclusion of the supposed WMD's from Iraq, and the timing of it, is pure propaganda. One reason that propaganda is so effective is that it contains just enough of the truth to allow those who tend toward fear to accept it as fact.
The classic presentation starts with "be very afraid". If you are experiencing fear, they got you. On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 1:43 PM, Michael Dinowitz <> wrote: > > Not propaganda at all. Syria is well known for having extensive chemical > warfare capability. With or without the alleged weapons from Saddam, they > have more than enough to devastate a nice sized portion of the Middle East. > > With Saddam there was a question if they existed, no matter what Bush said. > With Syria, we know they exist and they'll use them without a doubt if push > comes to shove. We're not going in and even if we want to, Russia will not > let us. > > The greatest fear is if the weapons are moved over to Hizbalah. Again, no > propaganda, real fear. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now! Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe: