That's hilarious!   ... Unfortunately the answer is probably "in case some uses 
them against us" because, as you said, the cost of being the initiator is too 

As for Syrias WMD being Iraq's ... Maybe but if we don't know, didn't find 
hussein's, and aren't sure if syria had their own then we really don't know mch 
of anything.

In other words, the Iraq G-2 wasn't actionable by the US military because it 
sucked so I doubt it'd be any better now with Syria.

On Jul 24, 2012, at 12:34 PM, GMoney <> wrote:

> If true, it begs the question: Why have chemical weapons at all?
> I is a country on the eve of invasion....and instead of
> preparing their most feared "weapon" for defense...they are hiding it in
> another country.  Yeeesh. What's the point? Why have a weapon that you
> can't use? ESPECIALLY when the mere presence of said weapon was the
> (stated) reason for the war in the first place!
> On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 2:25 PM, Sam <> wrote:
>> I wonder if this is true?
>> War On Terror: As the regime of Bashar Assad disintegrates, the
>> security of his chemical arsenal is in jeopardy. The No. 2 general in
>> Saddam Hussein's air force says they were the WMDs we didn't find in
>> Iraq.
>> King Abdullah of neighboring Jordan warned that a disintegrating Syria
>> on the verge of civil war puts Syria's stockpile of chemical weapons
>> at risk of falling into the hands of al-Qaida.
>> "One of the worst-case scenarios as we are obviously trying to look
>> for a political solution would be if some of those chemical stockpiles
>> were to fall into unfriendly hands," he said.
>> The irony here is that the chemical weapons stockpile of Syrian thug
>> Assad may in large part be the legacy of weapons moved from Hussein's
>> Iraq into Syria before Operation Iraqi Freedom.
>> If so, this may be the reason not much was found in the way of WMD by
>> victorious U.S. forces in 2003.
>> In 2006, former Iraqi general Georges Sada, second in command of the
>> Iraqi Air Force who served under Saddam Hussein before he defected,
>> wrote a comprehensive book, "Saddam's Secrets."
>> It details how the Iraqi Revolutionary Guard moved weapons of mass
>> destruction into Syria in advance of the U.S.-led action to eliminate
>> Hussein's WMD threat.
>> As Sada told the New York Sun, two Iraqi Airways Boeings were
>> converted to cargo planes by removing the seats, and special
>> Republican Guard units loaded the planes with chemical weapons
>> materials.
>> There were 56 flights disguised as a relief effort after a 2002 Syrian
>> dam collapse.
>> There were also truck convoys into Syria. Sada's comments came more
>> than a month after Israel's top general during Operation Iraqi
>> Freedom, Moshe Yaalon, told the Sun that Saddam "transferred the
>> chemical agents from Iraq to Syria."
>> Both Israeli and U.S. intelligence observed large truck convoys
>> leaving Iraq and entering Syria in the weeks and months before
>> Operation Iraqi Freedom, John Shaw, former deputy undersecretary of
>> defense for international technology security, told a private
>> conference of former weapons inspectors and intelligence experts held
>> in Arlington, Va., in 2006.
>> According to Shaw, ex-Russian intelligence chief Yevgeni Primakov, a
>> KGB general with long-standing ties to Saddam, went to Iraq in
>> December 2002 and stayed until just before the U.S.-led invasion in
>> March 2003.
>> Anticipating the invasion, his job was to supervise the removal of
>> such weapons and erase as much evidence of Russian involvement as
>> possible
>> .

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