You simply do not get it Sam. Regardless of your political viewpoint
(hell I can tolerate right sorts my father in law runs a tea party
group). What the issue is is your deliberate offensiveness. To quite a
few here they see you as your going out of your way to be offensive
and obnoxious. Instead of reasoned debate you want confrontation and
hostility. Most of us are not interested in pissing contests. I have
no problem talking with you if we keep it civil. That said, after all
I've seen you've invested too much in doing the opposite, so I am not
very hopeful.

Lets take this bit with Erika. She was bringing up some interesting
stuff, much more specific than the original posting. Your eventual
response to Erika, Sandy and GMoney were very telling. I'm going to
quote Sandy here because what she wrote I find very telling.

"Actually Sam is probably the primary reason I don't frequent or participate
in this group anymore.  As far as I am concerned he ruined the group with
his participation and spewage. "

Sam you have taken on a role that is not intended to engender the
respect and friendship of your peers.  Now lets look at your response
to Sandy's statement. Instead of figuring a response that would
diffuse that prototype of you, you respond right in character:

"And she's back for another dig, how annoying. You know I've never said
boo to you yet you love to attack me. Think about that when you
rationalize you're hate."

Rationalize you're hate? I assume you mean your hate. That is entirely
what pisses people off about you. There were any number of different
ways you could have answered that would have said the same, but not
had the same negative offensive attitude. This is exactly what I am
referring to. You seem to have the attitude that no matter what you
have to respond with hostility. Seriously, its something that needs to
change, its really for your own benefit, not ours. The rest of us can
easily filter you out but just often enough you have something
valuable to contribute. Most of the people on this mailing list would
prefer more of that and less of the frothing at the mouth screeds. You
may (and probably) think differently on this issue but something to
consider, is the mass shunning and contempt worth it in the end?

> On Wed, Aug 1, 2012 at 8:46 AM, GMoney <> wrote:
>> You will meet offensive people as you go through your life, and you won't
>> always just be able to ignore them.
>> Think of Sam as a practice dummy upon which you can sharpen your ability to
>> tolerate the annoying.

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