Anyone following the Progressive Insurance case?

Just a quick run down if you haven't heard about it.

Katie Fisher was insured by Progressive.  Part of the policy was coverage
for accidents with uninsured drivers.  Unfortunately, Katie was killed by
an uninsured driver who ran a red light.

Progressive would not pay the policy.  Due to the laws of Maryland, Katie's
parents could not sue Progressive for the claim.  They had to sue the
driver who ran the red light (which they did not want to do).  If
proven negligent, Progressive would have to pay the claim.

Progressive worked for the defendant trying to exonerate him.  They have
denied this, but court

It is this 19th day of May, 2011, by the Circuit Court For Baltimore City,
hereby ORDERED

1. That Progressive Advance Insurance Company be and is hereby allowed to
intervene as a party Defendant.

2. That Progressive Insurance Company is GRANTED all rights to participate
in this proceeding as if it were an original party to this case.

Being allowed to participate and granted the right to participate doesn't
mean they actually followed through though.  According to Katie's brother,
the following happened:

At the beginning of the trial on Monday, August 6th, an attorney identified
himself as Jeffrey R. Moffat and stated that he worked for Progressive
Advanced Insurance Company. He then sat next to the defendant. During the
trial, both in and out of the courtroom, he conferred with the defendant.
He gave an opening statement to the jury, in which he proposed the idea
that the defendant should not be found negligent in the case. He
cross-examined the plaintiff’s witnesses. On direct examination, he
questioned all of the defense’s witnesses. He made objections on behalf of
the defendant, and he was a party to the argument of all of the objections
heard in the case. After all of the witnesses had been called, he stood
before the jury and gave a closing argument, in which he argued that my
sister was responsible for the accident that killed her, and that the jury
should not decide that the defendant was negligent.

In the end, Katie's family won the case.

a blog entry by Matt Fisher describing some of what happened.  Here's one

*If you are insured by Progressive, and they owe you money, they will
defend your killer in court in order to not pay you your policy.*



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