Suffice to say that the people (and behaviors) you see in a war zone
are not indicative of people at large. This is true of people in

My friends who have spent significant time in Pakistan, Afghanistan,
Egypt, and Lebanon have a distinctly different view of the Muslims
they have met in those countries, so perhaps it is a function of who
is doing the meeting and under what circumstances.


On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 1:31 PM, Bruce Sorge <> wrote:
> Having been in Iraq three times and Afghanistan once and have read the Quran, 
> I completely agree with Tim. He has been downrange a few times as well so we 
> do speak from first hand experience.
> I also agree with you Maureen but Tim and I are right. And the majority of 
> the Muslim's I have met overseas espouse many of the so called stereotypes 
> that Westerners have of them.
> Now the majority of the Muslim's I have met in the USA are more civilized but 
> you do read or hear of the odd case of a father performing an honor killing 
> and such.
> On Sep 13, 2012, at 1:30 PM, Maureen <> wrote:
>> Slavery = every western country for hundreds of years - using the Bible to
>> justify it.
>> Pedophilia = Catholic priests allowing other Catholic priests to knowingly
>> abuse children for decades, perhaps hundreds of years.
>> Rape = Every army that has ever existed.
>> Murder = Seen the murder rates in Chicago lately?
>> Spread the word by the sword = Every imperialist government on earth
>> Some Muslims practice the above as well.  Most don't.
>> You are too good a man to allow yourself to sink into that level of bigotry.
>> On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 11:17 AM, LRS Scout <> wrote:
>>> Yup, I sure do.
>>> If you self identify as a muslim you are claiming everything that goes with
>>> it.  Slavery, rape, pedophilia, murder.  That is at the root what Islam
>>> is.  Submission, it's what the word means.  Spread the word by the sword
>>> and kill or breed out the infidel.
>>> Anyone saying otherwise doesn't know what's in the quran and doesn't know
>>> about the life of Mohammed, or is denying these things.

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