Also, I'm not a Christian or a Jew, and both Christians and Jews have gone
through major reforms doing away with most of the worst of their religions.

I also would say I don't agree about the christian thing.  Yes the old
testament and the torah have pretty fucked up and backwards rules.  The new
testament not so much.

On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 2:34 PM, LRS Scout <> wrote:

> I'm not saying we need to kill them ALL.
> We didn't have to kill ALL the Nazis to make them no longer a threat, and
> they still exist the world over.
> On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 2:30 PM, Judah McAuley <>wrote:
>> On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 11:17 AM, LRS Scout <> wrote:
>> >
>> > If you self identify as a muslim you are claiming everything that goes
>> with
>> > it.  Slavery, rape, pedophilia, murder.  That is at the root what Islam
>> > is.  Submission, it's what the word means.  Spread the word by the sword
>> > and kill or breed out the infidel.
>> Christian Bible says the exact same things. And the Torah.
>> > Anyone saying otherwise doesn't know what's in the quran and doesn't
>> know
>> > about the life of Mohammed, or is denying these things.
>> I know good, kind Muslims. I know good, kind Christians. I know good,
>> kind Jews. They all have faiths based on really violent, fucked up
>> religious books. I'm not willing to condemn them all with the same
>> broad brush.
>> I'm afraid that we really just don't have enough ammo for everyone
>> and, dear lord, think of the smell.  Even if we give some other
>> violent faiths a pass, like the Hindus, and stick with the Abrahamaic
>> faiths that all share a common set of books, we're looking at having
>> to off at least 3 billion people. I suppose the extra space would be
>> nice but, really, the clean up would just not be worth it.
>> Judah

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