it's against the law? 

Tony Weeg
Sent from my IPhone ... don't hate

On Monday, October 1, 2012 at 8:23 PM, Erika L. Rich wrote:

> Hi! Hope you are well!!!
> We've never really discussed in detail, hourly rates here because it's
> largely against the law ... this list is already watched by a few people we
> never want to meet.
> In any case, read here about why you probably have not had many takers for
> this discussion:
> On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 6:25 PM, Dakota Burns <>wrote:
> > 
> > Hi CF Community -
> > 
> > Been awhile since I've chatted here with you great people.
> > 
> > I recently saw multiple tweets come across the wire re: #coldfusion from a
> > "rural" oriented company advertising $47/hr for full time telecommute
> > coldfusion work. After a short conversation with their HR, it turns out the
> > max they'll pay for "ColdFusion" is $30/hr 1099 because the work is
> > "telecommute". Never mind the bait & switch act, the perceived benefits
> > are "telecommute" on 1099 and possibly healthcare if you go W2, at which
> > point they might want you to drop your rate to cover that. Those of us on
> > 1099 pay full FICA, file taxes every quarter, buy our own equipment, pay
> > our electric, office expenses, etc.. Does that "bait & switch" from medium
> > level rate to low rate sound like a scam? Compare that scenario with Indian
> > recruiters calling with 6 month assignments across the USA for between $50
> > to $72 / hr.; corp to corp, which sucks if you have a family, but -- have
> > any of you ever taken those short term 6-month gigs from lesser known
> > recruitment firms?
> > 
> > CFML work, regardless of whether we're talking remote/telecommute or
> > on-site, appears to still be a respectful language to build great Web apps
> > and for experienced developers, should command the same pay-rate /
> > client-billing as DotNet and PHP. I have clients that pay between $55 to
> > $70 / hr (dropped $10 from my high end due to economy) -- and it's all
> > remote work from home office. Get a W2 gig with great benefits, good group
> > of people, innovative work environment and one may expect that 55 - 70 rate
> > to drop around 30%.
> > 
> > Any of you all running into questionable companies that either don't know
> > how to hire good talent or charge appropriately for their services --
> > regardless of whether one's using CFML? It's entirely possible the $30/hr
> > rate to consultant is compiled into client projects at $90/hr to client.
> > Good for them, but likely they'll be taking a pass on high level talent.
> > 
> > Dakota

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