Here's how Larry described it:

It makes perfect sense in a why. There is some neuropsych research
that's I've mentioned before that did functional MRI's on self
identified conservatives and progressives. What the researchers found
was that the areas of the brain that deal with processing fear and
anxiety are more active and larger in the conservatives of the sample
than the progressives. In contrast the progressives had larger and
more active areas of the brain that deal in complex cognition and
nuanced thinking than conservatives. So its entirely possible for many
conservatives to perceive the world entirely in black and white rather
than in shades of grey. The perceived victimization also works because
of the differences in the amydala (the area that deals with processing
anxiety and fear related information).


On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 1:51 PM, Scott Stroz <> wrote:
> But, Sam, that is not what the study is stating, that is what you are
> saying it is stating.
> In a nut shell, it says, for the most part, liberals and conservatives have
> different political beliefs because their brains are built differently. And
> that, for the most part, members of each 'group' seem to have a similar
> brain physiology.
> If you get out of that study that 'liberals are smarter' and that
> 'conservatives are close minded' then I think maybe you are not really
> understanding the results.

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