Really though lets look at those scandals:

Nixon: Watergate

Watergate was a major threat to the nation and the constitution.

Reagan:  Iran-Contra

Threat to separation of powers, the administration deliberately
circumventing the rule of law, and dealing with the enemy, selling
drugs and directly violating the Boland Amendment. Again a threat to
the Constitution.

Clinton:  Monica
The President couldn't keep his fly zipped.

Bush:  Pick one
Again attempts to circumvent aspects of the Constitution and the rule
of law, lying to the American public, attempting to eliminate Habeas
Corpus. And we all remember the line "Its only a piece of paper" that
Bush reputably said about the Constitution.

You're right there is a pattern here, Republican presidents in their
second term try to limit or destroy the Constitution.  Democratic
Presidents just want to get laid.

Which is more of a threat to the nation?

On Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 6:16 AM, Jerry Barnes <> wrote:
> " I'm really scared about what is going to come out of this administration
> during the next four years."
> Scandal.
> Examine the second terms of recent Presidents:
> Nixon: Watergate
> Reagan:  Iran-Contra
> Clinton:  Monica
> Bush:  Pick one
> So, I predict scandal.  As corrupt as this regime is, I predict multiple
> scandals.
> J
> -
> One of the sad signs of our times is that we have demonized those who
> produce, subsidized those who refuse to produce, and canonized those who
> complain - Thomas Sowell

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